Glittery French
I think you get the jist. Paint french tips on your nails. Use tape if you like. Paint over the WHOLE NAIL with a glitter polish. Add flavor with a nail decal if you like.
Using a dotting tool, dot the tips of your nails. Get out nail stripers in blue, green, red, and yellow. Stripe your nails along the corner in a rainbow shape. Credit goes to cutepolish, my FAVE nail guru on the tubes.
If you need a demonstration, here you go, BTW THIS IS NOT ME IN THE VIDEO.
Simply paint a french tip. You can put tape under the tip top of your nail and paint the tip. Remove tape. Top coat.
Hello Kitty french tips. Yeah. Nuff said. Credit to the one, the only, CUTEPOLISH!
Glitter tips
Simply paint only the tip of your nail with clear polish. Dip the tip into a container of glitter. My fave beauty guru can demonstrate for you. Credit goes to Bubbi. (Bubzbeauty)
Trust me, this method is better than painting your tips with a glitter polish.
Classic Vintage
Roses. So pretty. Video by cutepolish, credit to her.
Ah. Good luck. This was part one.