I'm so bad at posting frequently! Anyways, I wanted to share some winter fashions with you.
Okay, sassy hats are totally in. Why are they in? Probably because Lindsay Pearce. Here she is, sassy hat and all:
See what I mean? Sassy hat! I want one so bad. Theres a ton available at old navy in different colors (including red) that look just like Linday's! She has pink, red, green and probably alot more colors. Oh, and light blue. Basically, sassy hats are epic. DON'T STOP WEARING SASSY HATS! Oh, and I call it a sassy hat because Micheal Buckley called it a sassy hat :) . Anyways, ONWARD! But before we go onward, did I mention she was on GLEE???
Uggs, or boots that look like uggs. All my friends have them, and I got some just yesterday! Here's an example of a cute pair of uggs/fake uggs
Dummy aeropostale people added in the zoom feauture to there clothes, so I can't download the photo. Gotta google it :P
This is basically it. Theres gray, brown, and black. I have some ones with fur on the top and buckles on the side. I'll try to find them for you guys.
These are my boots exactly. I <3 them, so so much.But they kinda tug my jeans down a little when I'm walking downstairs. Which could just be because I have steeper stairs or something ? O.O I dunno. Anyways, LINKSIES!!!!
Yer yer yer :)
This is what I mean by toggle. The little thingies that are there instead of buttons. Cuuute.
Now now, winter fashion part two will come out sooon! This was just a filler, my children. See you! :D
I. L.Y <3
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