Hey there! So you need to exfoliate your skin but dont want to waste tons of money on scrubs? Well this guide contains two different exfoliants that you can create with normal household ingredients. PS:I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU OVER USE THE EXFOLIANT AND OBTAIN BAD SKIN
Lets start!
Olive oil exfoliant
You will need:
A spoon
Olive oil
In your bowl pour two table spoons of olive oil. Now add a tablespoon of sugar. Mix until you reach a pastey yet gritty consistency. Add more olive oil or sugar if necesarry. Don't worry, olive oil is truly magical because it wont clog your pores!
BEE-AUTIFUL HONEY SCRUB (sorry, lips only)
You need:
A small container
Vaseline or Petrollium Jelly, (you can obtain this from drugstores)
A spoon
Lets get started:
Pour some vaseline or petrollium jelly in your container. Add sugar. Add honey. Add as much as you want, it all depends on how much you want to have for when your lips get chapped again. Mix ingredients.
Rub on lips for a Bee-autiful set of chap-free lips. Notice that it tastes good, too! Wipe off.
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